
Facing the challenges of information security with an effective metadata management system
Comprehensive understanding of the role of system metadata in business processes is particularly relevant if we are to ensure optimal provision of sufficient audit traceability of different document types and optimize the business processes within the organization.

Meaningful use of metadata increases the usability of documents
The key that unlocks the full usability of metadata is appropriately managed metadata structure, which reflects the specific needs of the company and its clients.

It's time to digitize health records
Only a comprehensive approach to the digitization of medical records can bring appropriate solutions and ensure an optimal experience for patients, medical staff and other stakeholders.

Automated data capture delivers added value
In today's world data is a valuable asset that only reaches its full value when is it effectively captured and processed.

Digital transformation starts with digital mailroom
In the long term, paper documents create higher costs than paperless operations. Going digital is a rational choice, and the first step towards it is to stop the paper before it enters the company.

Digitizing books to get closer to readers
Digitization is rapidly changing our reading habits and use of published works. Apart from the apparent feeling of leafing through the book, which has not been lost, digitization opens the door to a wider selection of written content.