
Keeping you up-to-speed with digitalization trends. Addressing challenges of efficient and compliant digital business. Stay tuned!


7 Ways a Modern Document Management System Enhances Collaboration in Your Company

Close collaboration and effective communication among employees, partners, and clients are critical success factors. Modern document management systems, such as InDoc EDGE, enhance document organization and storage while streamlining and accelerating collaboration. This is more than simply transitioning documents to a digital platform—it is a comprehensive approach that enables faster information flow, greater transparency, and secure, reliable data exchange.

Natašina klepetalnica

Employment Expectations of Young People – Interview with Vesna Miloševič Zupančič

Young people entering the job market are accustomed to digital environments and therefore expect efficient, digitized hiring processes, including digital onboarding, communication, and recruitment procedures. Companies that adapt their HR processes to be digital, fast, and user-friendly are more likely to attract and retain young talent.

Nataša Centa

Natašina klepetalnica
HRM, Natašina klepetalnica

Turn LinkedIn in your favour - Interview with Manca Korelc

It's no secret that LinkedIn is the leading platform for professional networking. We've been on it for years, networking with varying degrees of success, depending on how seriously we take it and how passionately we keep up with the constant changes the platform introduces.

Nataša Centa


Which priorities will be your key to success in the year 2023?

Last year, companies once again faced many challenging situations in the market. Geopolitical conditions, rising costs of raw materials and labor costs encouraged many to accelerate the introduction of modern digital technologies. And it is clear that this will remain the case in 2023, and in fact may well escalate.

Tjaša Poljšak

Compliance, Digitalization, Archive

Digitization in HR processes

The Human Resource (HR) function has long ago moved beyond the straightforward execution of administrative tasks related to labor law and maintenance of employee records. Instead, it is stepping into a more important, more complex and more advanced role and strengthening its participation in the company management.

Nataša Centa

Digitalization, Digital transformation

Eight questions about digital transformation

These are the times when digital transformation is a hot topic, with media and experts writing about it on a daily basis, and deservedly so. Digital transformation is a very broad area that every company needs to address nowadays. But let’s take a look at digital transformation in terms of the impact it has on the company’s administration system, which is a challenging issue for many clients.

Dimitar Janevski

Digitalization, Archive, InDoc EDGE

Implementing digital business solutions for better results

The implementation of digital business solutions enables a company's business processes to become more efficient, leading to business growth and progress, as proven and shown by the success stories reported by numerous companies.

Anton Gazvoda


Learning and developing team competencies

Some time ago I wrote about psychological security and, just as I did then, I will start off by sharing a quote by Amy Edmondson, who developed the concept of psychological security more than twenty years ago. “To achieve excellence in a complex and uncertain business environment, people need to work and learn together”.

Voranc Kutnik

Digitalization, Archive

Modern archiving of physical documentation through digital management

With the increasing importance of data that is becoming the 'new oil', as well as the increasingly strict rules relating to the storage and management of documentation, archiving can become a complex and risky process if not approached in a professional and considered manner.

Miha Čebron