
Keeping you up-to-speed with digitalization trends. Addressing challenges of efficient and compliant digital business. Stay tuned!


Business process optimization as a precondition for digital business

Companies which simply digitized their processes and procedures as they were cannot be satisfied with their digital transformation since it has brought nothing but extra costs and trouble.

Peter Mušič

Compliance, Digitalization, Archive

Starting points for the implementation of internal rules

When electronic documents have been uploaded to a server, this does not mean we have done enough to preserve their integrity, authenticity, availability, usability and permanence throughout the life cycle.

Ivo Vasev, Maja Marušič

Compliance, GDPR

Personal data protection is an ongoing concern

Data protection compliance is not a project we complete and then put aside on a shelf. Quite the contrary, it is a journey that never really ends.

Alenka Fic Mikolič, Grega Vozel


Harness the information chaos with a digital office

The coronavirus crisis has exposed all the weaknesses of paper-based business. Effective document management and on-time execution of tasks today requires a digital office.

Anton Gazvoda


Digital maturity as a competitive advantage

Digitally mature companies exploit the digitization of their operations as a tool for growth and revenue increase, while others risk being overcome by their competitors and left behind.

Tjaša Poljšak

Compliance, Digitalization, Security, Archive

E-storage as an integral component of digital reality

We should never underestimate the challenges of providing accessibility and usability of business documents while preserving their integrity, authenticity and permanence.

Ivo Vasev


Data security depends on how much we care

Data breach – intentional or unintentional – is very often a result of our own (un)doing. To minimize the risk, we need to carry out regular data security training for our staff, showing them on concrete cases how they should respond to data theft attempts.

Jan Pagon


Digitalization connects us all

If only yesterday the premise of greater efficiency was the key reason behind digitalization, hardly anyone gives it any thought today. In these uncertain times, going digital is the only way to be successful in business. This is particularly true for the financial industry.

Ivo Vasev


Fragmented systems are bad news for business productivity

Fragmented information systems where problems are addressed through dedicated applications, which may seem easier or cheaper at first glance, restrict the data management potential.

Anton Gazvoda