Guest blog
Eight questions about digital transformation
These are the times when digital transformation is a hot topic, with media and experts writing about it on a daily basis, and deservedly so. Digital transformation is a very broad area that every company needs to address nowadays. But let’s take a look at digital transformation in terms of the impact it has on the company’s administration system, which is a challenging issue for many clients.
The role of legally compliant electronic archives for health records
As our reality becomes more and more digital, practically all industries are faced with the pressing need to digitize its electronic documents. This has pushed to the foreground the issue of electronic document storage and its legal compliance. In healthcare, legally compliant electronic storage is particularly essential since health records contain sensitive personal information that is protected by law and can be accessed by authorized personnel only.
Pervasive IT organization as the key to successful digitalization
A large majority of businesses and other organizations are busy digitizing their operations. Until recently digitalization has been viewed as a matter that primarily concerned in-house IT teams and was not of much interest to the management, but now the situation has changed. Today many directors are actively involved in the digitalization – according to a survey we conducted among large and medium-sized companies in 2017, this share is about 50%, a considerable increase from a similar study carried out ten years ago.
The role of psychological safety in digital transformation
The pandemic has fundamentally and permanently changed workplace conditions and working from home has gone from an occasional practice to everyday reality. Organizations around the globe were forced to move their employees to their home offices practically overnight. Digitalization quickly became a household term and some companies thought they would have it covered once they had purchased enough laptops and Zoom user licenses. Soon they realized that it was just the first step in a long journey and that the pandemic has created many more complex challenges.
Digitizing health care - Why are we moving so slow?
My career has been centred around health IT for 30 years. When I was starting out, ‘punched cards’ were still in use; in business processes, I had to cope with a wide spectrum of data transfer media and I learnt and grew, together with the users, from black/white DOS solutions to state-of-the-art applications, cross-system data exchange, cloud storage, and mobile apps.
Digitality > informatization
In my first life, I was an IT guy. I developed and implemented ERP systems. Then I became a business analyst – a link between business functions and informatics. For the past 10 years, I have been researching business laws in the digital economy and studying their impacts on organizations and their customers. The "upgrade" is significant.
Change management and the digital strategy
To implement digital transformation successfully, it's wise to rely on a managerial discipline called change management. It is critical to performing digital transformation in a proper manner.