
Learning and developing team competencies
Some time ago I wrote about psychological security and, just as I did then, I will start off by sharing a quote by Amy Edmondson, who developed the concept of psychological security more than twenty years ago. “To achieve excellence in a complex and uncertain business environment, people need to work and learn together”.

Going digital for SMEs is just a click away
Implementation of digital technologies is a priority investment and a pressing task for companies worldwide. In fact, digitalization has become a precondition for successful market performance of most businesses, regardless of their size. At first glance SMEs seem to face different digitalization challenges but a detailed study shows that these businesses in fact need the same solutions as their larger peers but often lack the resources, both human and financial, to put them in place. On the other hand, SMEs are highly flexible by definition which means they can be quicker and more agile when implementing change.

Pervasive IT organization as the key to successful digitalization
A large majority of businesses and other organizations are busy digitizing their operations. Until recently digitalization has been viewed as a matter that primarily concerned in-house IT teams and was not of much interest to the management, but now the situation has changed. Today many directors are actively involved in the digitalization – according to a survey we conducted among large and medium-sized companies in 2017, this share is about 50%, a considerable increase from a similar study carried out ten years ago.

The role of psychological safety in digital transformation
The pandemic has fundamentally and permanently changed workplace conditions and working from home has gone from an occasional practice to everyday reality. Organizations around the globe were forced to move their employees to their home offices practically overnight. Digitalization quickly became a household term and some companies thought they would have it covered once they had purchased enough laptops and Zoom user licenses. Soon they realized that it was just the first step in a long journey and that the pandemic has created many more complex challenges.

Digitality > informatization
In my first life, I was an IT guy. I developed and implemented ERP systems. Then I became a business analyst – a link between business functions and informatics. For the past 10 years, I have been researching business laws in the digital economy and studying their impacts on organizations and their customers. The "upgrade" is significant.

There is no successful business equation without digitalization
Optimization and digitization of business processes are cutting-edge tools employed by visionary companies committed to developing advanced and digitally enabled services to safely accompany their customers into the digital future.

Change management and the digital strategy
To implement digital transformation successfully, it's wise to rely on a managerial discipline called change management. It is critical to performing digital transformation in a proper manner.

Organizational culture for a digital company
Technology is an important but not the main pre-requisite for successful digitalization. To go digital, a company needs to set up an organizational culture that promotes innovation and welcomes change.

Digital competencies in the digital era
Digitization as a strong driver of growth brings many changes to daily work. Today we expect employees to possess increasing levels of digital knowledge and skills, self-initiative, innovativeness, flexibility and accountability.