
In Mikrocop, there is not a dull moment. Latest news on digitalization, new solutions and services on just a click. Stay connected!


Digihub - exchange of ideas for HR professionals a success

The first DigiHub, a live event for HR professionals, was a success. The exchange hub for ideas, as we called DigiHub, will be organized live once a quarter, and it is intended for the exchange of experiences and ideas about the digitization of business and the connection of experts from each business field.


Customer opinion counts

Another year has passed us by and we have conducted the customer satisfaction survey for 2022. The survey was completed by customers of all sizes and from various business sectors.


The award for the best SME HR TEAM OF THE YEAR goes to Mikrocop

Mikrocop's HR team received the "HR team of 2023"  award in the category of small and medium-sized companies, awarded by the Slovenian HR Association and Planet GV at the #loveHRSummit - Slovenian HR Congress.


See you at Slovenski kadrovski kongres

On April 13 and 14, the #loveHRSummit is taking place live this year, the largest HR event in our country, which connects HR directors and other HR experts responsible for the development and education of employees in public and private sector organizations.


InDoc EDGE new release due in march

In product/solution development, changes are the only constant. That is why we make sure that our digital platform Indoc EDGE follows technological trends, user needs and market requirements.


Sustainable HRM - from words to actions

The human resources function in the company has long gone beyond the scope of more advanced internal administration, ever since we realized that companies cannot grow without quality personnel. As the role of the HR department in companies increases, it is important that the HR function also reflects a sustainable approach both in its work and in activities for employees.


Project CEDIT. SI in full swing

Effective all-inclusive and simple digital business with customers, partners and employees is becoming a key advantage of the company in the market. Companies that invest intensively in partner ecosystems for better responsiveness, faster entry into the market and higher product quality, as a rule, also reduce operating costs.


Voucher for digital competences

The voucher for increasing digital competences of the Slovene Enterprise Fund is still open. Why not take advantage of the opportunity and secure part of the funds for the education of your employees and thus further encourage the acquisition of new skills in key areas of digitization?


DigiMeet 2022 - four days of relevant content, interesting guests, and numerous ideas for business digitalization

After four days of seminars and productive debates, we have successfully brought to an end this year's online DigiMeet 2022 event 'Sustainable Future with the Right Digital Support'. At DigiMeet we talked with our partners to provide an overview of the digitalization in the glass production industry, banking and healthcare, and to look at digitalization through the lens of environment protection.